Somehow, I thought Facebook would be faster. I had gone a number of months without posting-too busy-and I thought to myself, "Facebook won't take as long." So I removed my blog and started a Facebook page. Facebook has all these fun likes and dislikes profiles. It was fun at first. But I can only take so many quizzes. After seeing new photos, I'm not really learning anything exciting but somebody poked me and random sentences about random events that don't really say anything. Facebook is to share lots of mundane details. Facebook is only for 1 sentence comments.
When I want to share, I share more than one sentence. It hit me when my husband said that my posts are too long because you have to click a link to read more. I knew it was time to come back to blogging. While I may not be the most frequent blogger, I am not Facebook status quo girl. I can't keep my thoughts to this one day, one hour sentence that "I'm happy today." It doesn't tell you why I'm happy. I'm happy to be able to write more than one sentence.
p.s. I still like Facebook, still have my page. I like marshmallows in my hot chocolate but I won't eat just marshmallows. They're a nice little taste every so often. I may even embrace the status quo of one sentence if I have a forum to really say something more. Share more with those who care.