So, for close to 2 weeks, it's felt like my world was going WRONG.
Yes, my work decided I'd have to change my schedule (and not for the better). Tax season was winding down and they call it shift bids. You can ask for what you like but if they've filled that time than you have work what is left or lose the one reason for working--insurance. So now I work Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:30 am to 9 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 pm to 9:30 pm, and Saturdays 9:30 am to 6 pm. It's miserable. Something will have to change soon. My husband and I are looking at all our options.
My youngest gets the flu and from there it travels to me, my husband and my daughter. My middle son narrowly escaped. So, all of last week as I start my new work schedule there is vomit, fever, chills, body aches, etc. One gets better and another goes down for a constant week of sickness.
It snows--in April.
Yes, I was really feeling sorry for myself. Why didn't I crawl into hole and never come out?
My youngest was feeling better and wanted to play a game, Toy Story Memory. I was still sick, my husband was running a fever. My middle son graciously agreed. He's competitive. When he started piling up the matches on his side, I could see my youngest getting upset at his small pile.
Then I watched him turn over the card next to his match ON PURPOSE. I knew what he was doing because I've done the same thing numerous times when playing with my youngest to give him an opportunity to get some matches. My competitive older son saw his younger brother's frustration and "missed." My youngest gloated. He laughed with glee and said, "I knew where it was" and added the match to his pile.
2 days later, he gets up in front of a room full of people on Sunday and tells them what he knows about our church. He stuns me. He says that he knows Jesus is his Savior. I let tears flow as he comes back to sit me.
The world is all right. It's better than that. Compassion, love and understanding the really important things are all that matters. Even as I continue to struggle, everything is right.