Thursday, May 5, 2011

All's right with the world

Today is a very special day. No, I don't mean Cinco de Mayo. It's not just the day I dropped off all equipment at my former employers and went back to being a full-time mom (although my family will be celebrating it for months and months to come).

Today is the day my best friend came into the world.

Here is the man that called me beautiful so sincerely and for so long that I finally came to believe it. Here is the man who tells me he loves me each and every day and how great I look.

This is the man who is involved in his children's lives. This is the man who changed every diaper for their first 2 weeks of life because he was home and I needed to rest. This is the man who builds elaborate Geotrax train sets for his kids to play with.

This is the man who will build anything I can dream up. He can fix our vehicles, fix our roof and do just about anything he sets his mind to.

This is a man with a testimony and faith. Then, he puts it into action, helping people 7 days a week and whenever called upon. This is a man who leads the way for his children and helps them understand the important things in life.

Happy Birthday.

My world would be nothing without you.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful tribute! You married a keeper, that is for sure. Happy birthday, little bro.

    And, congrats on quitting your job. Yay!
