Monday, August 15, 2011

Summer Lesson #1

With the start of summer and 3 children to keep happy, I fell off the computer radar. It didn't help that our computer bit the dust (quite literally-the power supply failed and when trying to repair it, the hard drive cable was damaged). Going through computer withdrawals, my father graciously offered a viable computer until we can afford the replacement desired (1.5 terabyte hard drive memory with at least 6 gig running ram, preferably 8). So, with an older borrowed computer and no time with children and projects and treks and visiting and brothers coming home after 2 years and all those other things in life, time slipped away.

I'd like to share some important lessons from my summer. The first one is the most recent and by far the cutest.

The Birds and the Bees (as told by 5 year old)

On an outing with my husband and just my 5 year old in tow, my littlest announced he knew where babies come from.

Being naturally curious as to the information--despite 3 children and experience that he will always think his parents aren't capable of except the 3 times necessary for his sister, brother and himself--my husband and I looked at each other and innocently asked, "Where do babies come from?"

"There is special part inside a boy and a special part inside a girl. When they get together, it makes a baby," said my 5 year old.

"How do they get together?" I asked to ascertain exactly how well informed he was.

"They kiss."

"Every time you kiss someone, you'll get a baby?" my husband asked.

"No. It's a special kiss," he wisely informed us. "And it doesn't always work. Sometimes, you have to kiss 1, 2 or even 3 times."

That's good information. So good, we have shared it with all our family, much to the chagrin of our 5 year old. We ask him to tell his aunts and uncles and grandparents. It's such a beautifully sweet and simple way to look at it.

He gets embarrassed now. Tells us that we know the answer. We had to persuade him to repeat it to his Aunt Ashley. It only worked because she doesn't have any kids yet and we had to promise to not to laugh.

So, now you know where babies come from.

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